Education & Training

The University of Connecticut’s Office of Institutional Equity offers education and training services to all members of the University, and certain sessions can be tailored to meet the needs of specific participants. Please feel free to call OIE at (860) 486-2943 or send an email to if we can assist you in any way.

To ensure your training needs are best met, you will have the ability to discuss your request with an OIE staff member.


Request an Educational Training Program from OIE


Mandated Trainings

The Office of Institutional Equity facilitates several trainings that are required of Connecticut state employees. Additionally, the University is committed to creating and maintaining an equitable and inclusive campus environment free from discrimination and harassment. These trainings provide valuable information and resources for UConn community members. More information about state training requirements can be accessed on 

These courses are offered as fully self-paced online options. You may register for these courses by logging in at Learning @Work. 

Questions about training content can be directed to or 860-486-2943. Learning at work technical support can be contacted at 


Diversity Awareness Training 

Diversity Awareness training is a part of the University’s efforts to ensure that we are each contributing to and maintaining welcoming and inclusive working and learning environments that are free from discrimination and harassment. This training includes information concerning discrimination and hate crimes directed at protected classes and remedies available to affected individuals. 

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training 

Sexual Harassment Prevention training is an important component of the University’s commitment to ensuring a harassment-free working and learning environments. This training includes information concerning types of sexual harassment, prevention strategies, and available remedies. 

Understanding Domestic Violence Training 

Connecticut legislation requires all state agencies to provide employees with training and education related to domestic violence. The Understanding Domestic Violence training includes information concerning domestic violence, how domestic violence may impact the workplace, and the resources available. 


Please contact OIE at to request a copy of these training materials. 


UConn Health Trainings

All training offerings are available at UConn Storrs/Regionals and UConn Health. 

State mandated trainings at UConn Health are administered through New Employee Orientation. New employees will receive instructions for completing these courses upon beginning work. Further questions about this process can be directed to UConn Health HR at or 860-679-2426.

UConn Health employees are welcome to request additional training opportunities offered through OIE. 


Additional Trainings

The Office of Institutional Equity offers a variety of instructor-led educational opportunities upon request. These trainings can be adapted to meet the needs of each group. A list of common presentations topics and summaries can be found below:

Search Committee Training

This training, required for search chairs and search committee members, provides an overview of OIE’s role in UConn’s standardized search process.1010 Attendees learn about best practices and policies that align with UConn’s compliance obligations to ensure a fair and equitable search process. To learn more, visit Search Committee Training | Office of Institutional Equity 

Title IX: Resources and Reporting

In this presentation, community members learn about fostering safe communities that are conducive to learning and working. Attendees learn strategies on how to support, and respond to, individuals impacted by sexual harassment and sexual violence. This session includes information about important University policies and resources, including investigation options. Audience members leave with a greater familiarity of on and off-campus resources and reporting options that are specific to one’s student and/or employee status. 

Prevention/Response to Discrimination & Discriminatory Harassment

During this session, which can be tailored to the specific audience’s needs (including training specific to managers/supervisors, training specific to one type of discrimination or harassment, etc.), OIE provides information to faculty, staff, graduate and/or undergraduate students concerning discrimination, discriminatory harassment, sexual harassment, reporting obligations and resources for both employees and students. 

Disability Access & Accommodation

This presentation includes a general overview of federal disability laws and University Policies related to accessibility along with the rights and responsibilities of students, faculty and staff to ensure equal educational and employment opportunity and full participation for persons with disabilities. OIE may partner with other departments, including the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD), Department of Human Resources (HR) or Information and Technology Services (ITS) to provide a more focused training or discussion on a specific accessibility topic.